RIVERA LAW OFFICES, PA No one likes to think about legal issues, but sooner or later, they’ll come up. They always do, and when they do, you need a powerful, experienced team behind you. That’s why we’re here! The Rivera Law Firm has decades of experience in handling everything from immigration and criminal cases to assisting our clients with traffic issues, and ensuring that you get a fair settlement should you be involved in an accident. We don’t hide in our offices, but regularly get out and meet the members of our local community! Recently, we joined forces with a local church and area medical providers, participating in a Health/Legal Fair. This gave us the opportunity to interact directly with our friends and neighbours, explaining immigration law and answering a variety of questions about criminal and traffic law. A great time, and just one of the ways we give back to the community we serve! Hector Allan Rivera Jr. ATTORNEY AT LAW Attorney, Hector Allan Rivera, Jr. has o...